ミソピーイク賞(Mythopoeic Awards) 1971年-
ミソピーイク賞(Mythopoeic Awards)
オックスフォード大学で文学を語っていた(J.R.R. Tolkien)/(C. S. Lewis)/(Charles W.S.Williams)らの精神(the spirit of the Inklings)を継ぐ作品に贈られる。
- 【Fantasy】 Winner The Crystal Cave メアリー・スチュアート(Mary Stewart)
- 『獅子王の宝冠』 Deryni Rising キャサリン・カーツ(Katherine Kurtz)
- The Marvelous Misadventures of Sebastian ロイド・アリグザンダー(Lloyd Alexander)
- 『アンバーの九王子』 Nine Princes in Amber ロジャー・ゼラズニイ(Roger Zelazny)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner (Mary McDermott Shideler)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner (C. S. Kilby)
- 【Fantasy】 Winner 『赤い月と黒の山』 Red Moon and Black Mountain ジョイ・チャント(Joy Chant)
- 『スィールの娘』 The Children of Llyr エヴァンジェリン・ウォルトン(Evangeline Walton)
- The Corum Trilogy マイクル・ムアコック(Michael Moorcock)
- 『幻獣の森』 The Forest of Forever トーマス・バネット・スワン(Thomas Burnett Swann)
- Grendel ジョン・ガードナー(John Gardner)
- The Light Maze ジョーン・ノース(Joan North)
- 『こわれた腕環』 The Tombs of Atvan アーシュラ・K・ル=グイン(Ursula K. Le Guin)
- The Tsaddik of the Seven Wonders (Isidore Haiblum)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner (Walter Hooper)
- 【Fantasy】 Winner 『翼あるものたちの女王』 The Song of Rhiannon エヴァンジェリン・ウォルトン(Evangeline Walton)
- The Dancer from Atlantis ポール・アンダースン(Poul Anderson)
- 『反逆者の影』 Deryni Checkmate キャサリン・カーツ(Katherine Kurtz)
- 『さいはての島へ』 The Farthest Shore アーシュラ・K・ル=グイン(Ursula K. Le Guin)
- Green Phoenix トーマス・バネット・スワン(Thomas Burnett Swann)
- 『アヴァロンの銃』 The Guns of Avalon ロジャー・ゼラズニイ(Roger Zelazny)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner Master of Middle-earth (Paul H. Kocher)
- 【Fantasy】 Winner The Hollow Hills メアリー・スチュアート(Mary Stewart)
- 『光の六つのしるし』 The Dark is Rising スーザン・クーパー(Susan Cooper)
- Exaclibur (Sanders Anne Laubenthal)
- 『炎の玉座』 High Deryni キャサリン・カーツ(Katherine Kurtz)
- Hrolf Kraki's Saga ポール・アンダースン(Poul Anderson)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner C. S. Lewis, Mere Christian (Kathryn A. Lindskoog)
- 【Fantasy】 Winner A Midsummer Tempest ポール・アンダースン(Poul Anderson)
- 『妖女サイベルの呼び声』 The Forgotton Beasts of Eld パトリシア・A・マキリップ(Patricia A. McKillip)
- How Are the Mighty Fallen トーマス・バネット・スワン(Thomas Burnett Swann)
- Merlin's Ring (H. Warner Munn)
- 『アンヌウヴンの貴公子』 Prince of Annwn エヴァンジェリン・ウォルトン(Evangeline Walton)
- 『ウォーターシップ・ダウンのうさぎたち』 Watership Down リチャード・アダムス(Richard Adams)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner C. S. Lewis, An Annotated Checklist of Writings About Him and His Works (Joe R. Christopher)&(Joan K. Olstling)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner Charles W.S.Williams, A Checklist (Lois Glenn)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner Tolkien Criticism (Richard C. West)
- 【Fantasy】 Winner 『終わらざりし物語』 Unfinished Tales J・R・R・トールキン(J. R. R. Tolkien)
- 『始まりの場所』 The Beginning Place アーシュラ・K・ル=グイン(Ursula K. Le Guin)
- The Grey Mane of Morning ジョイ・チャント(Joy Chant)
- Lion of Ireland: The Legend of Brian Boru (Morgan Llywelyn)
- The Wounded Land ステファン・ドナルドソン(Stephen R. Donaldson)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner (Christopher Tolkien)
- 【Fantasy】 Winner 『リトル、ビッグ』 Little, Big ジョン・クロウリー(John Crowley)
- 『調停者の鈎爪』 The Claw of the Conciliator ジーン・ウルフ(Gene Wolfe)
- 『惑乱の公子』 Delusion's Master タニス・リー(Tanith Lee)
- 『多彩の地』 The Many-Colored Land ジュリアン・メイ(Julian May)
- 『闇の月』 The Sable Moon ナンシー・スプリンガー(Nancy Springer)
- The Woman Who Loved the Moon and Other Stories エリザベス・A・リン(Elizabeth A. Lynn)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner The Inklings (Humphrey Carpenter)
- 【Fantasy】 Winner The Firelings (Carol Kendall)
- 『青い剣』 The Blue Sword ロビン・マッキンリイ(Robin McKinley)
- 『ダークエンジェル』 The Darkangel メレディス・アン・ピアス(Meredith Ann Pierce)
- The Door in the Hedge ロビン・マッキンリイ(Robin McKinley)
- God Stalk (P. C. Hodgell)
- Lady of Light ダイアナ・L・パクスン(Diana L. Paxson)
- 『異教の女王』 The Mists of Avalon マリオン・ジマー・ブラッドリー(Marion Zimmer Bradley)
- The One Tree ステファン・ドナルドソン(Stephen R. Donaldson)
- 『蛇神の女王』 Queen of Sorcery デイヴィッド・エディングス(David Eddings)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner Companion to Narnia (Paul F. Ford)
- 【Fantasy】 Winner When Voiha Wakes ジョイ・チャント(Joy Chant)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner The Road to Middle-earth: How J.R.R. Tolkien Created a New Mythology (Tom Shippey)
- 【Fantasy】 Winner Cards of Grief ジェイン・ヨーレン(Jane Yolen)
- The Book of Lost Tales J・R・R・トールキン(J. R. R. Tolkien)
- The Damiano Trilogy: Damiano; Damiano's Lute; Raphael R・A・マカヴォイ(R. A. MacAvoy)
- 『英雄と王冠』 The Hero and the Crown ロビン・マッキンリイ(Robin McKinley)
- Moonheart チャールズ・デ・リント(Charles de Lint)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner Reason and Imagination in C. S. Lewis (Peter J. Schakel)
- 【Fantasy】 Winner 『鳥姫伝(ちょうきでん)』 Bridge of Birds バリー・ヒューガート(Barry Hughart)
- 『オールウェイズ・カミングホーム』 Always Coming Home アーシュラ・K・ル=グイン(Ursula K. Le Guin)
- Dark of the Moon (P. C. Hodgell)
- Dragonsbane バーバラ・ハンブリイ(Barbara Hambly)
- 『九年目の魔法』 Fire and Hemlock ダイアナ・ウィン・ジョーンズ(Diana Wynne Jones)
- The Wandering Unicorn (Manuel Mujica Lainez)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner Charles Williams, Poet of Theology (Glen Cavaliero)
- The Fantasts (Edmund Little)
- J.R.R. Tolkien: Myth, Morality, and Religion (Richard Purtill)
- The Novels of Charles Williams (Thomas Howard)
- Splintered Light (Verlyn Flieger)
- 【Fantasy】 Winner 『風のガリアード』 The Flok of the Air ピーター・S・ビーグル(Peter S. Beagle)
- The Fionavar Tapestry: The Summer Tree; The Wandering Fire; The Darkest Road ガイ・ゲイブリエル・ケイ(Guy Gavriel Kay)
- Merlin's Booke ジェイン・ヨーレン(Jane Yolen)
- Tales from the Flat Earth タニス・リー(Tanith Lee)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner J.R.R. Tolkien: Myth, Morality, and Religion (Richard Purtill)
- 【Fantasy】 Winner 『奇跡の少年』 Seventh Son オースン・スコット・カード(Orson Scott Card)
- 『落ちゆく女』 The Falling Woman パット・マーフィー(Pat Murphy)
- 『リンカーンの夢』 Lincoln's Dreams コニー・ウィリス(Connie Willis)
- War for the Oaks エマ・ブル(Emma Bull)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner C. S. Lewis (Joe R. Christopher)
- 【Fantasy】 Winner Unicorn Mountain マイクル・ビショップ(Michael Bishop)
- The Last Coin ジェイムズ・P・ブレイロック(James P. Blaylock)
- The Nightingale (Kara Dalkey)
- 『赤い予言者』 Red Prophet オースン・スコット・カード(Orson Scott Card)
- Walkabout Woman (Michaela Roessner)
- The White Raven ダイアナ・L・パクスン(Diana L. Paxson)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner The Return of the Shadow (J. R. R. Tolkien)(edited by (Christopher Tolkien))
- 【Fantasy】 Winner 『石の夢』 The Stress of Her Regard ティム・パワーズ(Tim Powers)
- 『チェンジリング・シー』 The Changeling Sea パトリシア・A・マキリップ(Patricia A. McKillip)
- The City, Not Long After パット・マーフィー(Pat Murphy)
- Fool on the Hill (Matt Ruff)
- Prentice Alvin オースン・スコット・カード(Orson Scott Card)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner The Annotated Hobbit By, J.R.R. Tolkien (Douglas A. Anderson)
- 【Fantasy】 Winner 『吟遊詩人トーマス』 Thomas the Rhymer エレン・カシュナー(Ellen Kushner)
- The Books of Great Alta: Sister Light, Sister Dark; White Jenna ジェイン・ヨーレン(Jane Yolen)
- Only Begotten Daughter ジェイムズ・モロウ(James Morrow)
- 『帰還 -最後の書』 Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea アーシュラ・K・ル=グイン(Ursula K. Le Guin)
- Tigana ガイ・ゲイブリエル・ケイ(Guy Gavriel Kay)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner Jack: C. S. Lewis and His Times (George Sayer)
- Owen Barfield on C. S. Lewis (Owen Barfield)
- The Pattern in the Web: The Mythical Poetry of Charles Williams (Roma A. King)
- A Purgatorial Flame: Seven British Writers in the Second World War (Sebastian Knowles)
- The Taste of the Pineapple: Essays on C. S. Lewis as Reader, Critic, and Imaginative Writer editor:(Bruce L. Edward)
- 【Adult Fantasy】 Winner A Woman of the Iron People (Eleanor Arnason)
- Beauty シェリ・S・テッパー(Sheri S. Tepper)
- Moonwise (Greer Ilene Gilman)
- 『女魔法使いと白鳥のひな』 The Sorceress and the Cygnet パトリシア・A・マキリップ(Patricia A. McKillip)
- Tam Lin (Pamela Dean)
- 【Children's Fantasy】 Winner Haroun and the Sea of Stories (Salman Rushdie)
- 『アブダラと空飛ぶ絨毯』 Castle in the Air ダイアナ・ウィン・ジョーンズ(Diana Wynne Jones)
- Elsewhere (Will Shetterly)
- Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher (Bruce Coville)
- Song of the Gargoyle (Zilpha Keatley Snyder)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner Word and Story in C. S. Lewis editor:(Peter J. Schakel)&(Charles A. Huttar)
- C. S. Lewis: A Biography (A. N. Wilson)
- Owen Barfield on C. S. Lewis (Owen Barfield)
- The Pattern in the Web: The Mythical Poetry of Charles Williams (Roma A. King)
- A Purgatorial Flame: Seven British Writers in the Second World War (Sebastian Knowles)
- 【Scholarship/myth】 Winner The Victorian Fantasists editor:(Kath Filmer)
- Mervyn Peake: The Evolution of a Dark Romantic (Tanya J. Gardiner-Scott)
- The Weird Tale S・T・ヨシ(S. T. Joshi)
- Witches of the Mind: A Critical Study of Fritz Leiber (Bruce Byfield)
- 【Adult Fantasy】 Winner Briar Rose ジェイン・ヨーレン(Jane Yolen)
- 『ドゥームズデイ・ブック』 Doomsday Book コニー・ウィリス(Connie Willis)
- The Grail of Hearts (Susan Shwartz)
- Last Call ティム・パワーズ(Tim Powers)
- The Paper Grail ジェイムズ・P・ブレイロック(James P. Blaylock)
- 【Children's Fantasy】 Winner Knight's Wyrd (Debra Doyle)&(James D. Macdonald)
- The Ancient One (T. A. Barron)
- Fish Soup アーシュラ・K・ル=グイン(Ursula K. Le Guin)
- Hobkin (Peni R. Griffin)
- Jennifer Murdley's Toad (Bruce Coville)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner Planets in Peril: A Critical Study of C. S. Lewis's Ransom Trilogy (David C. Downing
- 【Scholarship/myth】 Winner Strategies of Fantasy (Brian Attebery)
- 【Adult Fantasy】 Winner The Porcelain Dove デリア・シャーマン(Delia Sherman)
- The Cygnet and the Firebird パトリシア・A・マキリップ(Patricia A. McKillip)
- Deerskin ロビン・マッキンリイ(Robin McKinley)
- The Innkeeper's Song ピーター・S・ビーグル(Peter S. Beagle)
- The Little Country チャールズ・デ・リント(Charles de Lint)
- 【Children's Fantasy】 Winner The Kingdom of Kevin Malone (Suzy McKee Charnas)
- Calling on Dragons (Patricia C. Wrede)
- The Giver (Lois Lowry)
- The Mystery of the Cupboard (Lynne Reid Banks)
- Nevernever (Will Shetterly)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner J.R.R. Tolkien: A Descriptive Bibliography (Wayne G. Hammond)&(Douglas A. Anderson)
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Patterning of a Fantastic World (Colin Manlove)
- The Fiction of C. S. Lewis: Mask and Mirror (Kath Filmer)
- J.R.R. Tolkien: Life and Legend (Anonymous)(Bodleian Library exhibition catalog)
- Tolkien: A Critical Assessment (Brian Rosebury)
- 【Scholarship/myth】 Winner Twentieth-Century Fantasists: Essays on Culture, Society, and Belief in Twentieth-Century Mythopoeic Literature editor:(Kath Filmer)
- For the Childlike: George MacDonald's Fantasies for Children editor:(Roderick McGillis)
- Off with Their Heads!: Fairy Tales and the Culture of Childhood (Maria Tatar)
- The Reclamation of a Queen: Guinivere in Modern Fantasy (Barbara Ann Gordon-Wise)
- 【Adult Fantasy】 Winner Something Rich and Strange パトリシア・A・マキリップ(Patricia A. McKillip)
- The Dubious Hills (Pamela Dean)
- The Hollowing ロバート・ホールドストック(Robert Holdstock)
- Temporary Agency (Rachel Pollack)
- 【Children's Fantasy】 Winner Owl in Love (Patrice Kindl)
- Good Griselle ジェイン・ヨーレン(Jane Yolen)
- A Knot in the Grain and Other Stories ロビン・マッキンリイ(Robin McKinley)
- The Princess and the Lord of Night エマ・ブル(Emma Bull)
- Switching Well (Peni R. Griffin)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner C. S. Lewis in Context (Doris T. Myers)
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Patterning of a Fantastic World (Colin Manlove)
- The Fiction of C. S. Lewis: Mask and Mirror (Kath Filmer)
- J.R.R. Tolkien: Life and Legend (Anonymous)(Bodleian Library exhibition catalog)
- Tolkien: A Critical Assessment (Brian Rosebury)
- 【Scholarship/myth】 Winner Old Tales and New Truths: Charting the Bright-Shadow World (James Roy King)
- Fairy Tale as Myth/Myth as Fairy Tale (Jack Zipes)
- For the Childlike: George MacDonald's Fantasies for Children editor:(Roderick McGillis)
- From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers (Marina Warner)
- When Toys Come Alive: Narratives of Animation, Metamorphosis, and Development (Lois Rostow Kuznets)
- 【Adult Fantasy】 Winner Waking the Moon エリザベス・ハンド(Elizabeth Hand)
- All the Bells on Earth ジェイムズ・P・ブレイロック(James P. Blaylock)
- The Book of Atrix Wolfe パトリシア・A・マキリップ(Patricia A. McKillip)
- Brittle Innings マイクル・ビショップ(Michael Bishop)
- The Dragon Path ケーニス・モリス(Kenneth Morris)
- 【Children's Fantasy】 Winner The Crown of Dalemark ダイアナ・ウィン・ジョーンズ(Diana Wynne Jones)
- The Boggart スーザン・クーパー(Susan Cooper)
- Falcon's Egg (Luli Gray)
- The Mennyms (Sylvia Waugh)
- Wren's War (Sherwood Smith)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator (Wayne G. Hammond)&(Christina Scull)
- C. S. Lewis: A Reference Guide, 1927-1988 (Susan Lowenberg)
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Patterning of a Fantastic World (Colin Manlove)
- The Fiction of C. S. Lewis: Mask and Mirror (Kath Filmer)
- The Hobbit: A Journey into Maturity (William H. Green)
- 【Scholarship/myth】 Winner From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers (Marina Warner)
- The Seed and the Vision: On the Writing and Appreciation of Children's Books (Eleanor Cameron)
- T.H. White's The Once and Future King (Elisabeth Brewer)
- When Toys Come Alive: Narratives of Animation, Metamorphosis, and Development (Lois Rostow Kuznets)
- 【Fantasy】 Winner The Wood Wife (Terri Windling)
- The Book of the Long Sun ジーン・ウルフ(Gene Wolfe)
- Fair Peril ナンシー・スプリンガー(Nancy Springer)
- One for the Morning Glory ジョン・バーンズ(John Barnes)
- Winter Rose パトリシア・A・マキリップ(Patricia A. McKillip)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner The Rhetoric of Vision: Essays on Charles Williams editor:(Charles A. Huttar)&(Peter Schakel)
- C. S. Lewis: A Companion and Guide (Walter Hooper)
- Charles Williams: A Celebration editor:(Brian Horne)
- The Hobbit: A Journey Into Maturity (William H. Green)
- 【Scholarship/myth】 Winner When Toys Come Alive: Narratives of Animation (Metamorphosis (and Development (Lois Rostow Kuznets (Yale University Press)
- Lord Dunsany: Master of the Anglo-Irish Imagination S・T・ヨシ(S. T. Joshi)
- The Supernatural and English Fiction (Glen Cavaliero)
- The Water of the Wondrous Isles editor:(William Morris)/notes:(Norman Talbot)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye (A. S. Byatt)
- Giant Bones ピーター・S・ビーグル(Peter S. Beagle)
- The Gift (Patrick O'Leary)
- Neverwhere ニール・ゲイマン(Neil Gaiman)
- Trader チャールズ・デ・リント(Charles de Lint)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner Young Merlin: Passager; Hobby; Merlin ジェイン・ヨーレン(Jane Yolen)
- The Boggart and the Monster スーザン・クーパー(Susan Cooper)
- A Dark Horn Blowing (Dahlov Ipcar)
- Rose Daughter ロビン・マッキンリイ(Robin McKinley)
- 【Scholarship/inkling】 Winner A Question of Time: J.R.R. Tolkien's Road to 'Faërie' (Verlyn Flieger)
- C. S. Lewis Index: Rumours from the Sculptor's Shop (Janine Goffar)
- C. S. Lewis: A Companion and Guide (Walter Hooper)
- Charles Williams: A Celebration editor:(Brian Horne)
- Finding the Landlord: A Guidebook to C. S. Lewis's The Pilgrim's Regress (Kathryn Lindskoog)
- 【Scholarship/myth】 Winner The Encyclopedia of Fantasy editor:(John Clute)&(John Grant)
- Fantasy: The Liberation of Imagination (Richard Mathew)
- Lord Dunsany: Master of the Anglo-Irish Imagination S・T・ヨシ(S. T. Joshi)
- The Supernatural and English Fiction (Glen Cavaliero)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner Stardust ニール・ゲイマン(Neil Gaiman)&(Charles Vess)
- The High House (James Stoddard)
- The History of Our World Beyond the Wave (R. E. Klein)
- Someplace to Be Flying チャールズ・デ・リント(Charles de Lint)
- Song for the Basilisk パトリシア・A・マキリップ(Patricia A. McKillip)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner Dark Lord of Derkholm ダイアナ・ウィン・ジョーンズ(Diana Wynne Jones)
- Ella Enchanted (Gail Carson Levine)
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone(Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) (J. K. Rowling)
- Heavenward Path (Kara Dalkey)
- The Squire's Tale (Gerald Morris)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner C. S. Lewis: A Companion and Guide (Walter Hooper)
- C. S. Lewis: Writer, Dreamer and Mentor (Lionel Adey)
- Christian Mythmakers (Rolland Hein)
- Roverandom (J. R. R. Tolkien) editor:(Wayne G. Hammond)&(Christina Scull)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner Century of Welsh Myth in Children's Literature (Donna R. White)
- Dreams and Wishes: Essays on Writing for Children スーザン・クーパー(Susan Cooper)
- No Go the Bogeyman: Scaring, Lulling, and Making Mock, Marina Warner (Chatto)&(Windus; Farrar)
- Oz and Beyond: The Fantasy World of L. Frank Baum (Michael O. Riley)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner Tamsin ピーター・S・ビーグル(Peter S. Beagle)
- The Book of Knights (Yves Meynard)
- Dark Cities Underground リサ・ゴールドスタイン(Lisa Goldstein)
- Elementals: Stories of Fire and Ice (A. S. Byatt)
- The Wild Swans (Peg Kerr)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner The Folk Keeper (Franny Billingsley)
- The Circle of Magic (series) (Tamora Pierce)
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (J. K. Rowling)
- Kingdom (Cynthia Voigt)
- Skellig (David Almond)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner Roverandom, J. R. R. Tolkien (edited by Wayne G. Hammond)&(Christina Scull)
- C. S. Lewis: Writer, Dreamer and Mentor (Lionel Adey)
- Farmer Giles of Ham (J. R. R. Tolkien (edited by Wayne G. Hammond)&(Christina Scull)
- Tolkien: Man and Myth...A Literary Life (Joseph Pearce)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner Strange and Secret Peoples: Fairies and Victorian Consciousness (Carole G. Silver)
- King Arthur in America (Alan Lupack)&(Barbara Tepa Lupack)
- Oz and Beyond: The Fantasy World of L. Frank Baum (Michael O. Riley)
- The Quest for the Grail: Arthurian Legend in British Art 1840-1920 (Christine Poulson)
- When Dreams Came True: Classical Fairy Tales and Their Tradition (Jack Zipes)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner The Innamorati (Midori Snyder)
- Forests of the Heart チャールズ・デ・リント(Charles de Lint)
- ravenShadow (Win Blevins)
- The Sarantine Mosaic: Sailing to Sarantium; Lord of Emperors ガイ・ゲイブリエル・ケイ(Guy Gavriel Kay)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner Aria of the Sea (Dia Calhoun)
- Beast (Donna Jo Napoli)
- Boots and the Seven Leaguers ジェイン・ヨーレン(Jane Yolen)
- Growing Wings (Laurel Winter)
- Night Flying (Rita Murphy)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century (Tom Shippey)
- C. S. Lewis: Writer, Dreamer and Mentor (Lionel Adey)
- The Crisis and the Quest: a Kierkegaardian Reading of Charles Williams (Stephen N. Dunning)
- J.R.R. Tolkien and His Literary Resonances editor:(George Makana Clark)&(Daniel Timmons)
- Tolkien's Legendarium: Essays on The History of Middle-earth editor:(Verlyn Flieger)&(Carl F. Hostetter)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner King Arthur in America (Alan Lupack)&(Barbara Tepa Lupack)
- The Fantasy Literature of England (C. N. Manlove)
- The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales editor:(Jack Zipes)
- The Quest for the Grail: Arthurian Legend in British Art 1840-1920 (Christine Poulson)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner The Curse of Chalion ロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド(Lois McMaster Bujold)
- American Gods ニール・ゲイマン(Neil Gaiman)
- Declare ティム・パワーズ(Tim Powers)
- Ill Met by Moonlight (Sarah A. Hoyt)
- The Other Wind アーシュラ・K・ル=グイン(Ursula K. Le Guin)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner The Ropemaker ピーター・ディキンスン(Peter Dickinson)
- Island of the Aunts (Eva Ibbotson)
- The Two Princess of Bamarre (Gail Carson Levine)
- The Wizard's Dilemma (Diane Duane)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner Tolkien's Legendarium: Essays on The History of Middle-earth editor:(Verlyn Flieger)&(Carl F. Hostetter)
- C. S. Lewis, Poet: The Legacy of His Poetic Impulse (Don W. King)
- J.R.R. Tolkien and His Literary Resonances editor:(George Makana Clark)&(Daniel Timmons)
- Women Among the Inklings: Gender, C. S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams (Candice Fredrick)&(Sam McBride)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner The Owl, the Raven and the Dove: The Religious Meaning of the Grimms' Magic Fairy Tales (G. Ronald Murphy)
- Fairytale in the Ancient World (Graham Anderson)
- The Quest for the Grail: Arthurian Legend in British Art 1840-1920 (Christine Poulson)
- Twice Upon a Time: Women Writers and the History of the Fairy Tale (Elizabeth Wanning Harries)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner Ombria in Shadow パトリシア・A・マキリップ(Patricia A. McKillip)
- The Fall of the Kings エレン・カシュナー(Ellen Kushner)&デリア・シャーマン(Delia Sherman)
- A Fistful of Sky ニーナ・キリキ・ホフマン(Nina Kiriki Hoffman)
- Stories of Your Life and Others テッド・チャン(Ted Chiang)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner Summerland マイケル・シェイボン(Michael Chabon)
- Coraline ニール・ゲイマン(Neil Gaiman)
- Heir Apparent (Vivian Vande Velde)
- The House of the Scorpion (Nancy Farmer)
- Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale ホリー・ブラック(Holly Black)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner Beowulf and the Critics (J. R. R. Tolkien)editor:(Michael D. C. Drout)
- C. S. Lewis, Poet: The Legacy of His Poetic Impulse (Don W. King)
- Imagination and the Arts in C. S. Lewis: Journeying to Narnia and Other Worlds (Peter J. Schakel)
- J.R.R. Tolkien and His Literary Resonances editor:(George Makana Clark)&(Daniel Timmons)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner Fairytale in the Ancient World (Graham Anderson)
- A Charmed Life: The Spirituality of Potterworld (Francis Bridger)
- The Christian Imagination: G.K. Chesterton on the Arts (Thomas C. Peters)
- Vast Alchemies: The Life and Work of Mervyn Peake (G. Peter Winnington)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner Sunshine ロビン・マッキンリイ(Robin McKinley)
- Changing Planes アーシュラ・K・ル=グイン(Ursula K. Le Guin)
- Fudoki キジ・ジョンスン(Kij Johnson)
- In the Forests of Serre パトリシア・A・マキリップ(Patricia A. McKillip)
- Paladin of Souls ロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド(Lois McMaster Bujold)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner The Hollow Kingdom (Clare B. Dunkle)
- The Goose Girl (Shannon Hale)
- Inkheart (Cornelia Funke)
- The Tale of Despereaux (Kate DiCamillo)
- The Wee Free Men テリー・プラチェット(Terry Pratchett)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-earth (John Garth)
- C. S. Lewis (Poet: The Legacy of His Poetic Impulse (Don W. King)
- Following Gandalf: Epic Battles and Moral Victory in The Lord of the Rings editor:(Matthew Dickerson)
- Tolkien the Medievalist editor:(Jane Chance)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner The Myth of the American Superhero (John Shelton Lawrence)&(Robert Jewett)
- Algernon Blackwood: An Extraordinary Life (Mike Ashley)
- Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit: A Children's Classic at 100 editor:(Margaret Mackey)
- A Charmed Life: The Spirituality of Potterworld (Francis Bridger)
- National Dreams: The Remaking of Fairy Tales in Nineteenth-century England (Jennifer Schacker)
- Vampire Legends in Contemporary American Culture: What Becomes a Legend Most (William Patrick Day)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell スザンナ・クラーク(Susanna Clarke)
- Alphabet of Thorn パトリシア・A・マキリップ(Patricia A. McKillip)
- The Anvil of the World (Kage Baker)
- Mortal Love エリザベス・ハンド(Elizabeth Hand)
- The Wizard Knight: The Knight; The Wizard ジーン・ウルフ(Gene Wolfe)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner A Hat Full of Sky テリー・プラチェット(Terry Pratchett)
- The Abhorsen Trilogy: Sabriel; Lirael; Abhorsen ガース・ニクス(Garth Nix)
- Arthur Trilogy: The Seeing Stone; At the Crossing Places; King of the Middle March (Kevin Crossley-Holland)
- The Sea of Trolls (Nancy Farmer)
- Trilogy: Wise Child; Juniper; Colman (Monica Furlong)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner War and the Works of J. R. R. Tolkien (Janet Brennan Croft)
- Bareface: A Guide to C. S. Lewis's Last Novel (Doris T. Myers)
- Following Gandalf: Epic Battles and Moral Victory in The Lord of the Rings editor:(Matthew Dickerson)
- Tolkien in the Land of Heroes (Anne C. Petty)
- Tolkien the Medievalist editor:(Jane Chance)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner Robin Hood: A Mythic Biography (Stephen Thomas Knight)
- Diana Wynne Jones: An Exciting and Exacting Wisdom editor:(Teya Rosenberg)
- The Meanings of "Beauty and the Beast": A Handbook (Jerry Griswold)
- Vampire Legends in Contemporary American Culture: What Becomes a Legend Most (William Patrick Day)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner Anansi Boys ニール・ゲイマン(Neil Gaiman)
- The Hallowed Hunt ロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド(Lois McMaster Bujold)
- Metallic Love タニス・リー(Tanith Lee)
- The Penelopiad マーガレット・アトウッド(Margaret Atwood)
- The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl (Tim Pratt)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner The Bartimaeus Trilogy: The Amulet of Samarkand; The Golem's Eye; Ptolemy's Gate (Jonathan Stroud)
- By These Ten Bones (Clare B. Dunkle)
- Valiant ホリー・ブラック(Holly Black)
- Wizards at War (Diane Duane)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion (Wayne G. Hammond)&(Christina Scull)
- Interrupted Music: The Making of Tolkien's Mythology (Verlyn Flieger)
- The Narnian: The Life and Imagination of C. S. Lewis (Alan Jacobs)
- Perilous Realms: Celtic and Norse in Tolkien's Middle-earth (Marjorie Burns)
- Smith of Wootton Major: Expanded Edition editor:(Verlyn Flieger)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner National Dreams: The Remaking of Fairy Tales in Nineteenth-Century England (Jennifer Schacker)
- The Dharma of Dragons and Daemons: Buddhist Themes in Modern Fantasy (David R. Loy)&(Linda Goodhew)
- The Meanings of 'Beauty and the Beast': A Handbook (Jerry Griswold)
- Readers in Wonderland: The Liberating Worlds of Fantasy Fiction from Dorothy to Harry Potter (Deborah O'Keefe)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner Solstice Wood パトリシア・A・マキリップ(Patricia A. McKillip)
- The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories スザンナ・クラーク(Susanna Clarke)
- The Line Between ピーター・S・ビーグル(Peter S. Beagle)
- The Necessary Beggar (Susan Palwick)
- The Stolen Child (Keith Donohue)
- Three Days to Never ティム・パワーズ(Tim Powers)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner Corbenic (Catherine Fisher)
- Keturah and Lord Death (Martine Leavitt)
- The Pinhoe Egg ダイアナ・ウィン・ジョーンズ(Diana Wynne Jones)
- Spirits that Walk in Shadow ニーナ・キリキ・ホフマン(Nina Kiriki Hoffman)
- Wintersmith テリー・プラチェット(Terry Pratchett)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide (Christina Schull)&(Wayne G. Hammond)
- Interrupted Music: The Making of Tolkien's Mythology (Verlyn Flieger)
- Perilous Realms: Celtic and Norse in Tolkien's Middle-earth (Marjorie Burns)
- The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary (Peter Gilliver (Jeremy Marshall)&(Edmund Weiner)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner Gemstone of Paradise: The Holy Grail in Wolfram's Parzival (G. Ronald Murphy)
- Four British Fantasists: Place and Culture in the Children's Fantasies of Penelope Lively, Alan Garner, Diana Wynne Jones and Susan Cooper (Charles Butler)
- The Lure of the Vampire: Gender (Fiction and Fandom from Bram Stoker to Buffy (Milly Williamson)
- The Meanings of 'Beauty and the Beast': A Handbook (Jerry Griswold)
- Owen Barfield: Romanticism Come of Age: A Biography (Simon Blaxland-de Lange)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner Orphan's Tales: In the Night Garden; In the Cities of Coin and Spice キャサリン・M・ヴァレンテ(Catherynne M. Valente)
- Chronicles of Chaos: Orphans of Chaos; Fugitives of Chaos; Titans of Chaos ジョン・C・ライト(John C. Wright)
- In the Forest of Forgetting シオドラ・ゴス(Theodora Goss)
- The New Moon's Arms ナロ・ホプキンスン(Nalo Hopkinson)
- Ysabel ガイ・ゲイブリエル・ケイ(Guy Gavriel Kay)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner The Harry Potter Series (J. K. Rowling)
- Dussie ナンシー・スプリンガー(Nancy Springer)
- The New Policeman (Kate Thompson)
- Skulduggery Pleasant (Derek Landy)
- Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale; Valiant: A Modern Tale of Faerie; Ironside: A Modern Faery's Tale ホリー・ブラック(Holly Black)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner The Company They Keep: C. S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community (Diana Pavlac Glyer)(appendix by (David Bratman))
- The History of the Hobbit, Part One, Mr Baggins; Part Two, Return to Bag-End (John D. Rateliff)
- Interrupted Music: The Making of Tolkien's Mythology (Verlyn Flieger)
- Perilous Realms: Celtic and Norse in Tolkien's Middle-earth (Marjorie Burns)
- The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary (Peter Gilliver), (Jeremy Marshall)&(Edmund Weiner)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner The Shadow-Walkers: Jacob Grimm's Mythology of the Monstrous editor:(T. A. Shippey)
- Four British Fantasists: Place and Culture in the Children's Fantasies of Penelope Lively, Alan Garner, Diana Wynne Jones and Susan Cooper (Charles Butler)
- From Asgard to Valhalla: The Remarkable History of the Norse Myths (Heather O'Donoghue)
- The Lure of the Vampire: Gender (Fiction and Fandom from Bram Stoker to Buffy (Milly Williamson)
- Oz in Perspective: Magic and Myth in the Frank L. Baum Books (Richard Carl Tuerk)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner Flesh and Spirit and Breath and Bone (Carol Berg)
- The Bell at Sealey Head パトリシア・A・マキリップ(Patricia A. McKillip)
- An Evil Guest ジーン・ウルフ(Gene Wolfe)
- Lavinia アーシュラ・K・ル=グイン(Ursula K. Le Guin)
- Pandemonium ダリル・グレゴリイ(Daryl Gregory)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner 『剣姫 -グレイスリング』 Graceling クリスティン・カショア(Kristin Cashore)
- The Graveyard Book ニール・ゲイマン(Neil Gaiman)
- House of Many Ways ダイアナ・ウィン・ジョーンズ(Diana Wynne Jones)
- Nation テリー・プラチェット(Terry Pratchett)
- Savvy (Ingrid Law)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner The History of the Hobbit, Part One, Mr Baggins; Part Two, Return to Bag-End (John D. Rateliff)
- Charles Williams: Alchemy and Imagination (Gavin Ashenden)
- The Evolution of Tolkien's Mythology: A Study of the History of Middle-earth (Elizabeth A. Wittingham)
- Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C. S. Lewis (Michael Ward)
- Tolkien on Fairy-stories: Expanded Edition (with Commentary and Notes (Verlyn Flieger)&(Douglas A. Anderson)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner Four British Fantasists: Place and Culture in the Children's Fantasies of Penelope Lively, Alan Garner, Diana Wynne Jones and Susan Cooper (Charles Butler)
- Folklore and the Fantastic in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction (Jason Marc Harris)
- One Earth, One People: The Mythopoeic Fantasy Series of Ursula K. Le Guin, Lloyd Alexander, Madeleine L'Engle and Orson Scott Card (Marek Oziewicz)
- Oz in Perspective: Magic and Myth in the Frank L. Baum Books (Richard Carl Tuerk)
- Rhetorics of Fantasy (Farah Mendlesohn)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner Lifelode ジョー・ウォルトン(Jo Walton)
- Avilion ロバート・ホールドストック(Robert Holdstock)
- Cloud and Ashes: Three Winter's Tales (Greer Gilman)
- Palimpsest キャサリン・M・ヴァレンテ(Catherynne M. Valente)
- Trickster's Game Trilogy: Heartwood; Bloodstone; Foxfire (Barbara Campbell)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner Where the Mountain Meets the Moon (Grace Lin)
- Ash (Malinda Lo)
- Books of Bayern: The Goose Girl; Enna Burning; River Secrets; Forest Born (Shannon Hale)
- Eyes Like Stars (Lisa Mantchev)
- The Hotel Under the Sand (Kage Baker)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner Tolkien (Race and Cultural History: From Fairies to Hobbits (Dimitra Fimi)
- Arda Reconstructed: The Creation of the Published Silmarillion (Douglas Charles Kane)
- Charles Williams: Alchemy and Imagination (Gavin Ashenden)
- The Evolution of Tolkien's Mythology: A Study of the History of Middle-earth (Elizabeth A. Whittingham)
- Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C. S. Lewis (Michael Ward)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner One Earth (One People: The Mythopoeic Fantasy Series of Ursula K. Le Guin, Lloyd Alexander, Madeleine L'Engle and Orson Scott Card (Marek Oziewicz)
- Lilith in a New Light: Essays on the George MacDonald Fantasy Novel (Lucas H. Harriman)
- Metamorphoses of the Werewolf: A Literary Study from Antiquity Through the Renaissance (Leslie A. Sconduto)
- Rhetorics of Fantasy (Farah Mendlesohn)
- The Victorian Press and the Fairy Tale (Caroline Sumpter)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner Redemption in Indigo (Karen Lord)
- The Bards of Bone Plain パトリシア・A・マキリップ(Patricia A. McKillip)
- A Cup of Normal (Devon Monk)
- Troubled Waters (Sharon Shinn)
- Under Heaven ガイ・ゲイブリエル・ケイ(Guy Gavriel Kay)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner The Queen's Thief series: The Thief, The Queen of Attolia, The King of Attolia, and A Conspiracy of Kings (Megan Whalen Turner)
- The Grimm Legacy (Polly Shulman)
- I Shall Wear Midnight テリー・プラチェット(Terry Pratchett)
- Incarceron and Sapphique (Catherine Fisher)
- Toads and Diamonds (Heather Tomlinson)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C. S. Lewis (Michael Ward)
- Arda Reconstructed: The Creation of the Published Silmarillion (Douglas Charles Kane)
- Middle-earth Minstrel: Essays on Music in Tolkien (Bradford Lee Eden)
- The Power of Tolkien's Prose: Middle-earth's Magical Style (Steve Walker)
- Tolkien on Fairy-stories: Expanded Edition, with Commentary and Notes (Verlyn Flieger)&(Douglas A. Anderson)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner The Victorian Press and the Fairy Tale (Caroline Sumpter)
- Cheek by Jowl: Essays アーシュラ・K・ル=グイン(Ursula K. Le Guin)
- Metamorphoses of the Werewolf: A Literary Study from Antiquity Through the Renaissance (Leslie A. Sconduto)
- Out of My Bone: The Letters of Joy Davidman (Don W. King)
- Rhetorics of Fantasy (Farah Mendlesohn)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner The Uncertain Places リサ・ゴールドスタイン(Lisa Goldstein)
- 『図書室の魔法』 Among Others ジョー・ウォルトン(Jo Walton)
- Deathless キャサリン・M・ヴァレンテ(Catherynne M. Valente)
- The Heavenly Fox (Richard Parks)
- The Night Circus (Erin Morgenstern)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner The Freedom Maze デリア・シャーマン(Delia Sherman)
- Beka Cooper trilogy: Terrier, Bloodhound, Mastiff (Tamora Pierce)
- The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making キャサリン・M・ヴァレンテ(Catherynne M. Valente)
- The Scorpio Races (Maggie Stiefvater)
- Thitre Illuminata series: Eyes Like Stars, Perchance to Dream, So Silver Bright (Lisa Mantchev)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner Tolkien and Wales: Language (Literature and Identity (Carl Phelpstead)
- The Art of the Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien (Wayne G. Hammond)&(Christina Scull)
- C. S. Lewis on the Final Frontier: Science and the Supernatural in the Space Trilogy (Sanford Schwartz)
- The Power of Tolkien's Prose: Middle-earth's Magical Style (Steve Walker)
- Tolkien and the Study of His Sources: Critical Essays (Jason Fisher)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner The Enchanted Screen: The Unknown History of Fairy-Tale Films (Jack Zipes)
- Cheek by Jowl: Essays アーシュラ・K・ル=グイン(Ursula K. Le Guin)
- The Christian Goddess: Archetype and Theology in the Fantasies of George MacDonald (Bonnie Gaarden)
- Fairy Tales: A New History (Ruth B. Bottigheimer)
- The Fantastic Horizon: Essays and Reviews (Darrell Schweitzer)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner Digger (volumes 1-6) (Ursula Vernon)
- Death and Resurrection R・A・マカヴォイ(R. A. MacAvoy)
- The Drowning Girl ケイトリン・R・キアナン(Caitlín R. Kiernan)
- Hide Me Among the Graves ティム・パワーズ(Tim Powers)
- The Weirdstone Trilogy, The Weirdstone of Brisingamen, The Moon of Gomrath, and Boneland (Fourth Estate)) (Alan Garner)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner Vessel (Sarah Beth Durst)
- Giants Beware! (Jorge Aguirre)&(Rafael Rosado)
- The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom (Christopher Healy)
- The Princess Curse (Merrie Haskell)
- The Spy Princess (Sherwood Smith)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner Green Suns and Fa?ie: Essays on J.R.R. Tolkien (Verlyn Flieger)
- C. S. Lewis and the Middle Ages (Robert Boening)
- C. S. Lewis (Poetry (and the Great War 1914-1918 (John Bremer)
- Exploring J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit (Corey Olsen)
- Tolkien and the Study of His Sources: Critical Essays editor:(Jason Fisher)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner Song of the Vikings: Snorri and the Making of Norse Myths (Nancy Marie Brown)
- As If: Modern Enchantment and the Literary Prehistory of Virtual Reality (Michael Saler)
- The Christian Goddess: Archetype and Theology in the Fantasies of George MacDonald (Bonnie Gaarden)
- Critical Discourses of the Fantastic, 1712-1831 (David Sandner)
- Fairy Tale Queens: Representations of Early Modern Queenship (Jo Eldridge Carney)
- 【Adult Literature】 Winner The Golem and the Jinni (Helene Wecker)
- The Ghost Bride (Yangsze Choo)
- The Ocean at the End of the Lane ニール・ゲイマン(Neil Gaiman)
- Sleepless Knights (Mark H. Williams)
- Three Parts Dead (Max Gladstone)
- 【Children's Literature】 Winner Doll Bones ホリー・ブラック(Holly Black)
- Conjured (Sarah Beth Durst)
- Ghoulish Song (William Alexander)
- Killer of Enemies (Joseph Bruchac)
- Shadows ロビン・マッキンリイ(Robin McKinley)
- 【Inklings Studies】 Winner Tolkien and the Study of His Sources: Critical Essays editor:(Jason Fisher)
- C. S. Lewis and the Middle Ages (Robert Boening)
- C. S. Lewis--A Life: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet (Alister McGrath)
- Exploring J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit (Corey Olsen)
- There and Back Again: J.R.R. Tolkien and the Origins of the Hobbit (Mark Atherton)
- 【Myth And Fantasy Studies】 Winner Tree of Salvation: Yggdrasil and the Cross in the North (G. Ronald Murphy)
- As If: Modern Enchantment and the Literary Prehistory of Virtual Reality (Michael Saler)
- The Book of Legendary Lands (Umberto Eco)/translated:(Alastair McEwan)
- Critical Discourses of the Fantastic, 1712-1831 (David Sandner)
- Dancing the Tao: Le Guin and Moral Development (Sandra J. Lindow)